TES Staff Information

Please contact the teacher via email by clicking the name or call 903-947-6482 with questions or to schedule a conference.

Administrative Staff

Sorenson, Kelly - Principal

- Counselor

Hernandez, Sandra - Attendance

Nay, Carolina - Secretary

Behavior Coordinator

Sorenson, Kelly - 903-947-0352 - sorensonk@tatumisd.org

Teaching Staff

Bates, Jerri - 5th Grade ELAR

Bridges, Kristy - 5th Grade Math

Courtney, Holly - Music/Dyslexia

Courtney, Nikki - Media/Information Technology Specialist/GT Teacher
Ervin, Courtney - 5th Grade Enrichment

Graves, Rachel - 3rd Math

Hamilton, Emily - 3rd Grade ELAR/Social Studies

Johnson, Deborah - 3rd Grade Science/Social Studies
Langer, Jessica - 3rd ELAR/Social Studies

Lipscomb, Savannah - 4th Grade ELAR

McManamay, Kim - 3rd Grade Math

Mims, Kristi - 4th Grade Math

Mock, Christi - ESL Coordinator

Price, Candace - 5th Grade Science

Reeves, Tammy - 5th Grade Social Studies

Roden, Tracy - Math Instructional Coach
Sanchez, Yasmine - 3rd Grade ELAR

Shans, Jessica - Physical Education Teacher

Shippey, Nikie - Reading Instructional Coach

Turner, Ashley - 4th Math/Science

Welch, Crystal - Special Education

Whelan, Kelli - 4th Grade Science/Social Studies

Support Staff

Haggerty, Susan - Library/PE/Lunch Aide

Ward, Mary - Instructional Aide

Wright, Alexus - Instructional Aide